
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blinds and Baseboards

Before we go into each room, we should address organization in your everyday life. I am not going to tell you how to wash your dishes or how to make your bed. These are everyday occurrences and to each his own, but a clean house starts with picking up the clutter. Once you have tackled this problem, your weekly cleaning will take no time at all and this is what you want. You will be totally surprised how much your attitude towards yourself and your surroundings will positively change once the clutter is out of your life.
Ok, now do me a favor and file this next idea aside. You can use it for a rainy, cold, or snowy day, one of those days where you just don’t want to go out of the house. Well have your morning coffee because this is the day you want to tackle (drum roll please) mini blinds, louver blinds, and base boards!!
So what tools will you need to complete this project:

1) Vacuum
2) 1 gal. Bucket of water
3) 1 cup white vinegar
4) 1/4 cup Dawn (blue)
5) Mix. The above together
6) 2 cleaning clothes
Step 1 – Get that vacuum ready because you will need to go around the room and clean off the base boards and those blinds.
Step 2 – Incorporate the ingredients into the bucket of water. Make sure the water is not sudsy because you want to clean them fast, not spend all day rinsing them off.
Step 3 – Ring out one of the clothes and proceed to wipe down each blade, one at a time. Make sure to have the second cloth on hand to wipe dry, just in case you got carried away and they are too wet.  Alright, blinds are clean and you are ready to tackle those base boards!
Step 4 – Wipe down all base boards, from the top rim, all through the house. Oh, and while we’re at it, let’s wipe down those electrical outlets and switch plates. And we are done!!!
Wait, wait, I’m sorry, don’t put the vacuum away just yet! While we are at it, if you have central AC, let’s clean the air return and vents. If you have a wall or window AC or a furnace you will have to clean or replace the filters every three to four months. Ok, now you’re done, at least with this until next month, or until next time it rains. Listen, dust is nothing more than the dirt you drag in from outside on your feet, your pet’s dander, and your dead skin cells. Keeping your filters clean, you will be cutting back on your dust exposure.
Until next time, today, and everyday put comfort in your life…Ciao!

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