
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

      What should we be talking about..

I'm truly devastated over the lost of the innocent lives in Sandy Hook Conn.
The question out there is what we should be talking about right now, that question,I can't answer with absolute.  But I do know,and in my opinion, Is that no one is in the position where they have the right to point fingers at any one problem or a segment of people's,  but if we as a society look to home into ourselves, I think in some way we will discover that there is a total lack of respect for ourselves and for others, such as hate speech,road rage, racism,discriminating against the mentally challenge,spousal abuse, child abuse, hatred towards immigrants,etc,etc. we could go on for ever.  The hatred out there is totally indescribable.  Example, we just went through a very hate filled election process, we have radio shows that hate speak down our throats, knowing that they have listeners that hang onto every word,and some act upon.  We have Elective Officials that cannot speak civilly of or to one another, our politicians need to wake up and start setting an example.

I don't believe in censorship of any kind, and I don't believe in big government. But, I do believe in government over site, an enforcement of the laws on the books, and stricter gun control. In my opinion, I cannot see any positive in having a ownership 
Of a semi,or,full automatic weapon,sawed off shotguns,or high capacity clips. I don't believe that any of this will change, until the time comes where we as a society learn to have a respect for one another and their cultures and for ourselves, and will a lesson from this carnage ever be learnt, remains to be seen,but probably not,there has been too many horror stories already,and with likely than not, more to come.
But if everyone would take a moment to burn the images of the faces of the 20 baby's into the crevices of the minds to never forget. these children were baby's only 6 and 7 years old, who had dreams never to be fulfilled,that's our loss, they knew not of the wrath of hatred that came to visit them.  Burn their faces into your memory so that you will never forget,and when the next time you find yourself wishing ill will towards another,it's their face you will see and put you to shame ,and then and only then might we bring back civility into our lives. Then maybe we will someday say the 20 taught us all a lesson.

May they all rest in peace!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fix-it Volunteers

I was reading an  article the other day by Joan Rattner Hellman. And I have to say I agree with her when she started the article with the statement: Wouldn't it be great to get your busted and torn stuff-everything from toasters to clothing - fixed for free? The Dutch do. Such a great word - Free.

So, she goes onto say in her article that they, the Dutch, take used things to one of the country's 40 Repair Cafes, where fix-it volunteers do repairs or show how to do it yourself. Now mind you, European country's are only the size or smaller than most of our states.

She goes on to say that the Cafes, started in 2009 by a journalist as a environmental initiative to reduce waste are supported by grants from the Dutch government,                                                    foundations, and individual donations. More cafes are in the works.

According to Joan Hellman, she believes the concept may soon cross borders. The Repair Cafe Foundation is fielding inquiries from groups from all over the world about setting up their own cafes.

I personally think this a fantastic idea, the only way you can begin to clean up the worlds environment is to start in your own little corner and let it spread outward.

For more information, go to repair So, go check it out. I don't know about you, but it's time for that coffee break...once again.

Until next time, today and everyday put comfort in your life. Ciao!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

La Cucina..La Cuisine..Tin Kouzzina..The Kitchen

          Tools needed:
                   1) Vacuum
                   2) Wet mop and pail or the Sh-mop,depending on wood or tile floors
                   3) Fan duster brush with extension pole
                   4) Your carry-all bag or tray, that includes razor blade holder and
                        blades,  powder cleanser, all purpose cleaner, glass cleaner,bleach
                        cleaner, acid cleaner, scrub pad & sponge, tooth brushes, your
                        duster and cleaning cloths.
                    5) And I must admit I was amiss in not telling you about having a dump
                        bag, this is a bag that you will be putting your wet and dirty cleaning
                        cloths. Please don't use one of those plastic shopping bags.
                        Purchase yourself one of those re-usable bags you can pick up
                        at your favorite store. Once you've finished your cleaning day you
                        can take your dirty rags and bag to the washing machine and wash
                        them together, do not mix with clothes.

     After reading this segment you should be able to clean your kitchen quickly and
     efficiently. But, before we get started here, lets pick out our music to clean, to
     each his own, just pump it up and have fun. You're cleaning through another
     free concert.
     This may sound redundant, but I just have to say, as usual start  the room left to
     right, top to bottom. As you enter the kitchen check the ceiling corners for cob-
     webs and if your cabinets don't reach all the way to the ceiling,you have to
     address that space in between the ceiling and the top of the cabinets, it gets
     dustier than you would think. Use your fan duster and extension pole for the
     cobwebs in those hard to reach areas (the fan brush can be used for more than
     one purpose). Use your vacuum and attachments to reach above the cabinets if
     possible, if not use your duster here as well. Just be careful you don't want to
     put all that dust into the air(cough,cough). If you have a fan in your kitchen
     proceed to the fan.

     The kitchen is a room that is going to require a lot of picking up and putting        
     down and moving items back and forth, the movements will become easier with
     time. Because this room can be time consuming we're going to break away from
     the norm, because it will be easier and faster. So, let's begin. "The only way to
     eat an elephant is one bite at a time"

     1) Kitchen counter: Move the items that are on top of the counter forward,
     (toaster,blender,cookie jars,etc.).Wipe the counter clean behind them. Dust/
     wipe the items and replace them back. Use your all purpose cleaner and cloth,
     scrub pad, or scraper on counter. On a Granite counter top,bring it to a shine
     using your glass cleaner.

     2) Refrigerator: Using your all purpose cleaner to clean the outside,front and
     top. Open the the doors,clean door gaskets and air vents.
     Stainless steel refrigerators can be cleaned with Isopropyl alcohol, or white
     vinegar(spray these on the cloth,not directly onto the refrigerator). There are
     specific stainless steel cleaners out there that works really well.

     3) Stove tops: Clean hood and filter. Work from the back to front using your all-
      purpose cleaner and cloth or white vinegar and cleanser with a white scrubber
          A) Glass top stove cleaner made specifically for glass top stoves. Apply
              to surface, let dry, and wipe off.


          B) Gas stove top: Set the left and right side grates on the counter. Clean middle
               and right and left side of stove top around the burners then replace the 
          C) Electric stove top: Try cleaning around the burners with the rings in 
               place, if that fails, remove the burner and ring assembly, with a paper
               towel collect all of the debris and if any(grease),then throw away, 
               continue to clean area and replace burners.

             D) Stove front: use a tooth brush and all-purpose cleaner to clean
                  the knobs and around them. If that fails, remove them by pulling
                  towards you. Clean the knob, set it aside and clean area behind
                  them and then replace.  Continue on and wipe down the glass
                  oven door with your glass cleaner. 

       4)  Sink and Dishwasher: use your all-purpose cleaner and tooth brush
             to clean around the base of faucet and rim of the sink, use white
             vinegar on the faucet area to remove any hard water deposits.
             (white vinegar is a light acid that will help in removing the hard water
              deposits, without having to scrub with an abrasive cleanser and 
              end up scratching your faucets chrome or other finish)  

                  Sprinkle cleanser into into the bowl area of the sink and scrub with
                  your scrub pad, then rinse the sink, be sure to do a good job here,
                  other wise you'll leave a powdery substance behind (doesn't look good).
                  You know that pinkish algae stain that you get around the sink drains.
                  Well, a client of mine gave me a most excellent idea. The "Bleach Pen"
                  just zip that around the drain and walk away. The next you turn on the
                  water, "zap" it's gone . Simple, but such a great idea! Talk about saving 
                  time, and you can do the same in the bathroom sinks as well with tub.

       5) Floor: Last of all, depending on the type of floor you have, tile or wood
            first vacuum then either wet mop or use the Sh-mop. You just finished
            the kitchen...I don't know about you, but it's coffee break time..So once

                Until next time, today and everyday put comfort in your life. Ciao!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Things we tend to over look

Hello all,  Its been awhile since I've posted, but I'm still here.  I have been very busy with a lot of new clients and I've been testing some different products, homemade recipes and store bought. We can cover this at another time.  And I must be honest I got involved with Twitter as well and have become a tweet freak @ronzcompany.

Now, did you know as we go through our cleaning routines, we tend to take shortcuts. A list of those that we tend to overlook are:

    1.  Window sills and blinds
    2.  Base boards
    3.  Lamp shades and light bulbs
    4.  The ceiling fan and hanging lamps
    5.  Plants, artificial, and real
    6.  Chair backs and legs and under the table leg supports
    7.  Air vents, louvered shutters and closet doors
    8.  Top of the refrigerator and under the refrigerator
    9.  Top shelves and bottom shelves of book cases and cabinets, and
         of course the books themselves
   10.  Under the end tables and coffee tables
   11.  Top of drapes and curtains
   12.  That area where the electrical cord is laying on the floor, collecting
          all that circulating dust balls
All is solved with taking an hour and a duster and your dusting cloth, touching on all of the above mentioned areas once in awhile..... You're done.

Until next time, today, and every day, put comfort into your life.  Ciao!