
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

      What should we be talking about..

I'm truly devastated over the lost of the innocent lives in Sandy Hook Conn.
The question out there is what we should be talking about right now, that question,I can't answer with absolute.  But I do know,and in my opinion, Is that no one is in the position where they have the right to point fingers at any one problem or a segment of people's,  but if we as a society look to home into ourselves, I think in some way we will discover that there is a total lack of respect for ourselves and for others, such as hate speech,road rage, racism,discriminating against the mentally challenge,spousal abuse, child abuse, hatred towards immigrants,etc,etc. we could go on for ever.  The hatred out there is totally indescribable.  Example, we just went through a very hate filled election process, we have radio shows that hate speak down our throats, knowing that they have listeners that hang onto every word,and some act upon.  We have Elective Officials that cannot speak civilly of or to one another, our politicians need to wake up and start setting an example.

I don't believe in censorship of any kind, and I don't believe in big government. But, I do believe in government over site, an enforcement of the laws on the books, and stricter gun control. In my opinion, I cannot see any positive in having a ownership 
Of a semi,or,full automatic weapon,sawed off shotguns,or high capacity clips. I don't believe that any of this will change, until the time comes where we as a society learn to have a respect for one another and their cultures and for ourselves, and will a lesson from this carnage ever be learnt, remains to be seen,but probably not,there has been too many horror stories already,and with likely than not, more to come.
But if everyone would take a moment to burn the images of the faces of the 20 baby's into the crevices of the minds to never forget. these children were baby's only 6 and 7 years old, who had dreams never to be fulfilled,that's our loss, they knew not of the wrath of hatred that came to visit them.  Burn their faces into your memory so that you will never forget,and when the next time you find yourself wishing ill will towards another,it's their face you will see and put you to shame ,and then and only then might we bring back civility into our lives. Then maybe we will someday say the 20 taught us all a lesson.

May they all rest in peace!