
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Things we tend to over look

Hello all,  Its been awhile since I've posted, but I'm still here.  I have been very busy with a lot of new clients and I've been testing some different products, homemade recipes and store bought. We can cover this at another time.  And I must be honest I got involved with Twitter as well and have become a tweet freak @ronzcompany.

Now, did you know as we go through our cleaning routines, we tend to take shortcuts. A list of those that we tend to overlook are:

    1.  Window sills and blinds
    2.  Base boards
    3.  Lamp shades and light bulbs
    4.  The ceiling fan and hanging lamps
    5.  Plants, artificial, and real
    6.  Chair backs and legs and under the table leg supports
    7.  Air vents, louvered shutters and closet doors
    8.  Top of the refrigerator and under the refrigerator
    9.  Top shelves and bottom shelves of book cases and cabinets, and
         of course the books themselves
   10.  Under the end tables and coffee tables
   11.  Top of drapes and curtains
   12.  That area where the electrical cord is laying on the floor, collecting
          all that circulating dust balls
All is solved with taking an hour and a duster and your dusting cloth, touching on all of the above mentioned areas once in awhile..... You're done.

Until next time, today, and every day, put comfort into your life.  Ciao!